The Benefits of a Dealership Newsletter

The Benefits of a Dealership Newsletter GetMyAuto

There are many marketing channels available to independent auto dealers. Some, of course, are more valuable and more effective than others. At Get My Auto, we frequently sing the praises of Craigslist and Facebook Ads, two methods we’ve found to be useful. Today, we want to shine the spotlight on a marketing strategy that doesn’t get quite as much attention but is very much worth considering: The email newsletter.

For dealers, sending a newsletter every month, every two weeks, or even every week can be a low-cost, high-payoff strategy. Here are just a few reasons why the email newsletter, though not exactly flashy, can be incredibly smart.

Why Send a Dealer Newsletter?

  1. You can catch people when they’re actually reading. Having a dealer website is important, but let’s be honest: You’re not going to have a lot of people checking your website on a regular basis, just for fun or enjoyment. (A blog can go a long way in this regard, however.) To get the attention of your customers, in a forum where they may actually stop to read what you have to say… well, why not appeal to them in their email inbox? Your customers won’t check your website every day, but they do check their Gmail!
  2. You can boost website traffic. Meanwhile, in your effort to send more traffic to your dealer website, a newsletter can be invaluable. Send out regular notices about new inventory, sales and promotions, and dealership events. Or, send a brief snippet of your latest dealership blog post, and encourage readers to click over to your website to see the rest.
  3. Track interest. With the right email analytics software, you can keep track of the users who are most engaged with your content. And, you can monitor the topics that seem to get the most traction. This can all be helpful information as you seek to refine and customize your further marketing efforts.
  4. You can expand your audience… assuming you have the right content. Generally speaking, email newsletters are about engaging your existing audience. In some cases, though, you may be able to actively expand your audience. By providing content that’s genuinely interesting or valuable, you can encourage your readers to forward the newsletter to their friends. This can bring new subscribers to your list and new eyeballs to your dealer website!
  5. Your newsletter can help you set appointments. Finally, note that you can sometimes cut the website out of your sales process altogether. Send notices about exciting new promotions and invite readers to call you directly to set up an appointment. If the deal is enticing enough, you may generate some appointments as a direct result of your email newsletter.

Consider New Avenues in Your Dealership Marketing

There are a number of effective ways to grow your dealership via digital marketing; an email newsletter is one superb tactic among many.

No matter how you plan to expand your dealership, Get My Auto has software solutions that can enhance your results. Reach out today to learn more!