5 Reasons Your Dealership Should Post on Craigslist

5 Reasons Your Dealership Should Post on Craigslist GetMyAuto

Every day, it seems like shiny new dealer marketing tools are announced.

Yet some of the old tools remain peerless.

Case in point: Craigslist. Though it’s definitely not as glamorous or as cutting-edge as it used to be, it remains one of the very best resources for dealerships looking to move inventory. At Get My Auto, we are huge proponents of using Craigslist to sell your inventory’s used cars—and in this post, we’ll explain why.

5 Benefits to Posting on Craigslist

1. Craigslist buyers are ready to purchase a car!

Simply put, the people shopping on Craigslist aren’t messing around! They’re ready to make a purchase; study after study confirms this, showing Craigslist buyers to be highly motivated. As such, posting your vehicles there gives you a great opportunity to connect with the people who matter most to your dealership—that is, local folks who want to buy now!

2. Craigslist buyers tend to close quickly and pay more.

Again, the studies bear this out. On average, Craigslist buyers buy sooner rather than later and pay up to 10 percent more than buyers you’ll find elsewhere. The upshot of this is that Craigslist advertising offers major bang for buck!

3. It’s easy to highlight your inventory.

While Craigslist advertising certainly requires some strategy, it’s ultimately pretty easy to make your cars look appealing. Some high-quality photos go a long way. And, you can write ad copy that really illuminates what makes the car in question special.

4. With Craigslist, you can also sell your dealership.

Maybe the used Honda Civic you’re promoting isn’t quite what a buyer has in mind. Nevertheless, that buyer may decide to pick up the phone and see what else you have on your lot. That happens more often than you think, especially if you use your ad copy to promote your dealership brand—accolades earned, customer service awards received, etc. Remember: You’re not just selling cars. You’re selling the business itself.

5. There are automated options to make Craigslist a breeze.

Posting manual Craigslist ads can, admittedly, be a little bit tedious—but now, there’s an easy way to automate the process. Get My Auto is proud to offer a Craigslist Wizard app, which gives you all the templated and posting options you need. It’s just one small component of Get My Auto’s SaaS suite, which makes it easier than ever for your dealership to run a robust and efficient marketing campaign.

Learn More from Get My Auto

Whether you’re looking to make your Craigslist debut or simply want to make sure you’re leveraging it as effectively as possible, we invite you to learn more about Get My Auto’s SaaS solutions.

We can help your dealership develop all the online assets it needs, including Craigslist ads and a lead-gathering website.

Contact Get My Auto at your next opportunity, and let’s talk together about Craigslist and any other dealer marketing needs you have. Reach out to us today!