Dealerships are Marketing Their Inventory Via Facebook—and Getting Great Results

At Get My Auto, we work with used car dealerships to help them connect with consumers through the various channels of online marketing. One thing we are convinced of is that no two dealerships have the exact same marketing needs, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution here. With that said, there is one marketing channel that we have seen get results time and time again, and one that we recommend to pretty much all the dealerships we work with—and that channel is Facebook

We see dealerships get amazing ROI from Facebook—much more than they get with other marketing platforms, mind you. There are several reasons for this, and today, we’re going to unpack just a few of them.

Facebook Has Tremendous Reach

We’re constantly quoting this old marketing proverb: the secret is to go where your customers are. Today, that means going to Facebook, plain and simple. After all, just consider some of these Facebook statistics:

– Facebook has more than 1.71 billion monthly active users
– Facebook has 1.13 billion daily active users
– There are more than 1.57 billion mobile monthly users
– More than 22 percent of the world’s population is active on Facebook

The bottom line? If you want an opportunity to reach a lot of people, Facebook is simply the best platform there is.

Facebook Allows You to Build Trust

Just reaching people isn’t enough, though; you also need to convince consumers that your dealership is trustworthy, that you are there to help them rather than just sell to them. Facebook offers a space to provide this kind of trust-creating thought leadership, through a content marketing approach that encompasses how-to articles, product guides, and more. Using Facebook allows dealerships to form real connections with their customers, and to earn their confidence.

Facebook Has a Powerful Ad Platform

On top of all of that, Facebook has a built-in ad network that is simply unparalleled in the targeting options it provides. Using Facebook’s robust data—collected from some highly respected third party analytics companies—you can actually use Facebook’s ad platform to target your message directly at local consumers who are looking to purchase an automobile. This is really where dealerships earn that incredible ROI: Using Facebook’s ad platform, your dealership can speak directly to people in your area who have shown an intention to a buy a car, and you can establish a connection with them that sets you apart from the competition.

Using Facebook to Market Your Dealership

Of course, the effectiveness of Facebook marketing hinges on you actually using it properly. You need a comprehensive strategy to leverage Facebook for both its content marketing and paid ad abilities—and that’s where Get My Auto comes in.

We’ve built Facebook marketing campaigns for many dealerships, and we’ve seen amazing results. We’d love to help obtain results on behalf of your dealership, too. Start the process by contacting Get My Auto for a consultation.