For used car dealerships, Craigslist represents the very best way to connect with highly motivated, local buyers. With that said, strategy is everything—and your dealership’s Craigslist results are highly dependent on the effort and insight you put forth. In this post, we’ll offer four areas where you can step up your Craigslist game today.
Be Strategic about Your Offerings
One of the most important choices you’ll make in Craigslist marketing is the choice of which cars you list. For most dealerships—all but the very smallest—we don’t recommend listing your full inventory on Craigslist. The effect can be oversaturation. Instead, list between 50 and 70 percent of your inventory—making judicious choices about the cars you showcase.
Some suggestions:
- Use buyer personas and recent sales stats to list cars you know will be hot sellers in your area.
- Rotate in a few older vehicles that you’re really eager to move—particularly if you’re willing to attach attractive price discounts to them.
Enhance Your Writing
Another way in which you can enhance your Craigslist ads is to improve your copywriting. Some general tips to improve your ad copy include:
- Get specific in your titles; make clear the make, model, and year of the car you’re promoting.
- Don’t feel like you have to list every last detail, but do highlight the main selling points.
- Make sure your writing is clear and easy to read, meaning short sentences, bullet points, concise paragraphs, etc.
- Brand your dealership; remember, you’re not just selling the car. You’re also selling you!
Consider Your Photography
Every Craigslist ad should have some compelling images attached. You don’t need fancy equipment for this; even your smartphone will work just fine. You do, however, need a sound strategy.
Ideally, take photos away from your dealership. Take them somewhere with a vibrant background, such as natural greenery.
Take images from many angles, and make sure you capture any main selling points, like really nice infotainment panels, interiors, etc.
Focus on Automation
One more thing you can do to step up your Craigslist game is to automate the process, eliminating a lot of the grunt work and maximizing your efficiency.
You can do this by downloading the Craigslist Wizard app, exclusively from Get My Auto. Our Wizard makes it incredibly easy to develop effective ads with minimal hassle, regardless of your Craigslist experience level.
Implementing these tips can all help you realize better results from your dealership’s Craigslist advertising. To learn more, or to ask about the app, reach out to the automotive marketing professionals at Get My Auto today.