Revolutionize Your Dealership with AI-Powered Car Dealer Management Software:Unlock a 30-Day Free Trial

Revolutionize Your Dealership with AI-Powered Car Dealer Management Software: Unlock a 30-Day Free Trial - GET MY AUTO

In today’s fast-paced automotive market, car dealerships are faced with increasing competition. Many dealers turn to more aggressive advertising in an attempt to generate new leads, but the truth is that sales often slip through the cracks—not due to a lack of leads, but because of inconsistent follow-up. As a result, opportunities are lost, and potential customers end up buying elsewhere.

What if the key to improving your sales wasn’t generating more leads, but making the most of the ones you already have? Enter Ava AI, your ultimate AI-powered assistant designed to enhance the efficiency of your car dealer management software. Ava AI is part of AutoXplorer, an all-in-one dealership management software that allows your dealership to follow up with leads, automate communications, and close more sales—all without needing to increase your advertising budget.

The Hidden Problem in Dealerships: Follow-Up

Auto dealers frequently generate a steady stream of leads from various advertising campaigns, but many don’t realize that inconsistent or poor follow-up is causing missed sales. Studies show that dealerships with fast and regular follow-up sell more cars. On the other hand, dealerships that let leads grow cold or fail to re-engage old prospects lose out to competitors who maintain better contact.

The real solution isn’t spending more on advertising; it’s optimizing your car dealer software to ensure every lead gets the attention it deserves. Ava AI, paired with AutoXplorer, makes this easy by automating much of the process, so your team can focus on what they do best—selling cars.

Meet Ava AI: The Future of Dealership Management

Ava AI isn’t just an upgrade to your existing tools; it’s a full-service dealership management software solution that transforms how you manage leads, interact with customers, and run your business. Whether you’re struggling to respond to inquiries promptly or have trouble keeping up with past leads, Ava AI ensures no prospect goes ignored.

Meet Ava AI: The Future of Dealership Management

Key Features of Ava AI and AutoXplorer:

  • Instant Lead Engagement: Ava AI immediately contacts new leads via text or email, meaning your dealership never misses a hot prospect. This feature alone can drastically improve your chances of closing deals.
  • Multi-Week Follow-Up Automation: A single inquiry often isn’t enough to make a sale. Ava AI allows you to set up long-term follow-up sequences that keep potential customers engaged for weeks, ensuring no opportunity is lost.
  • Re-Engagement of Old Leads: Leads from weeks or even months ago don’t have to be forgotten. Ava AI automatically follows up with old inquiries, keeping your dealership top-of-mind when they’re ready to buy.
  • AI-Powered Website Chat: Your dealership is always open with Ava AI’s website chat function. Visitors to your website are instantly greeted, their questions are answered, and appointments are scheduled—even when your team is offline.
 Your Dealership Needs AI-Powered Car Dealer Software. CRM and Call Anywhere

Why Your Dealership Needs AI-Powered Car Dealer Software

The automotive industry is evolving, and dealerships need to adapt to stay competitive. That means leveraging technology to automate time-consuming tasks and improve operational efficiency. This is where Ava AI and AutoXplorer come into play.

Most car dealer management software solutions help manage customer relationships, inventory, and transactions. However, few have the AI-powered capabilities that Ava AI brings to the table. Ava is more than just a CRM tool; it’s a complete solution that automates lead engagement, follow-ups, and communications—putting your dealership’s sales process on autopilot.

Imagine having an always-on assistant that not only responds to leads but also nurtures them over time. With Ava AI, you’ll close more deals by ensuring that no lead goes cold. And because it integrates seamlessly with AutoXplorer, all of your sales data and communications are centralized, making it easier than ever to track progress and measure success.

Mass Text Blast: Engage Thousands of Leads Instantly

For dealerships, leads are often untapped goldmines. The problem isn’t a lack of leads but the ability to reach out to them effectively. Ava AI’s Mass Text Blast feature allows you to engage thousands of leads at once with personalized messages, reigniting interest in your inventory or special offers.

Imagine being able to send targeted campaigns to thousands of leads from your dealership management software in just seconds. Whether you’re promoting a new model, offering discounts, or simply following up, Ava AI ensures that every lead is reached. Even better, Ava will handle responses and automatically schedule appointments, freeing up your sales team to focus on closing deals.

  • Re-Engage Old Leads: One of the biggest advantages of mass texting is the ability to re-activate old leads who might have gone cold. Ava AI’s smart automation can rekindle interest in customers you thought were lost.
  • Multilingual Support: Ava AI can communicate in both English and Spanish, expanding your dealership’s reach and making it easier to connect with more customers.
AVA AI: Mass Text Blast: Engage Thousands of Leads Instantly

AutoXplorer: The Complete Dealership Management Solution

While Ava AI focuses on lead engagement and follow-up, AutoXplorer is the complete car dealer management software solution that integrates all of your dealership’s tools into one platform. From sales automation to real-time business analytics, AutoXplorer simplifies your workflow, making it easier to close deals and grow your business.

Key Features of AutoXplorer:

  • Sales Automation: Manage leads, automate follow-ups, and streamline the sales process through text, email, and phone—all from within the AutoXplorer platform.
  • Built-In Communication Center: Forget juggling multiple tools. AutoXplorer includes an integrated phone system with SMS and email capabilities, keeping your communications organized and efficient.
  • DealerTrack, RouteOne, and CUDL Integration: AutoXplorer integrates with all major dealer systems, allowing you to submit deals instantly without any manual data entry.
  • Soft & Hard Credit Pulls: Perform credit checks directly from the CRM, simplifying the financing process for your sales team.
  • Quick Quotes via CRM: Speed up your sales process by sending professional quotes via text or email right from your CRM. AutoXplorer allows you to generate and send quotes in seconds, so you can close deals faster.
Soft and Hard Credit Pulls Perform credit checks BY GET MY AUTO

Real-Time Business Insights: Data-Driven Decisions with AutoXplorer

In the competitive automotive market, having the right data at your fingertips can be the difference between a closed deal and a missed opportunity. AutoXplorer’s built-in business intelligence features give you real-time insights into your dealership’s performance.

  • Track Every Follow-Up and Deal: Monitor every interaction and deal made by your sales team. This allows you to ensure that no lead is neglected and helps you identify areas for improvement.
  • Optimize Your Marketing Spend: AutoXplorer’s analytics features allow you to make data-driven decisions about where to allocate your advertising budget, so you can focus on strategies that generate the highest returns.

How Ava AI and AutoXplorer Maximize Your Leads

Many dealerships spend thousands of dollars on advertising every month, yet they fail to optimize the leads they generate. Car dealer management software like Ava AI and AutoXplorer can change that. By focusing on better follow-up and engagement, you can close more deals without increasing your advertising spend.

Ava AI ensures that no lead is left unattended, while AutoXplorer provides a comprehensive platform to manage every aspect of your dealership’s sales process. Together, they form a powerful system that drives more conversions and helps you get the most out of every lead.

Activate Your Free Trial Now!

Ready to transform your dealership’s sales process? Get My Auto is offering an exclusive 30-Day Free Trial of Ava AI, giving you the chance to experience the future of dealership management software for yourself.

To get started, visit or call 1-800-955-6719 to request a demo.

This is your opportunity to leverage cutting-edge car dealer software to grow your dealership without increasing your advertising budget. With Ava AI and AutoXplorer, you’ll not only stay ahead of the competition—you’ll redefine the way your dealership operates.

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