5 Digital Marketing Tools for Your Used Car Dealership

5 Digital Marketing Tools for Your Used Car Dealership-GetMyAuto

A good craftsman always has the right tools for the job. Certainly, as you market your used car dealership on the Web, it’s important to know which software suites and digital platforms help you make informed decisions about your ad spend and your overall marketing strategy. But with so many software tools to choose from, where do you even begin?

Get My Auto’s dealership marketing professionals have tested all the leading digital marketing tools, and we can recommend five products that we believe your dealership will truly benefit from. Here’s our list.

Google Analytics

There’s an old saying, that marketing without data is like flying blind. Certainly, it’s helpful to know how well your online content is performing; how many people are coming to your website, and from where; and what kinds of content seem most engaging to your audience. Google Analytics will tell you all this and more—and the best part is, the basic version of Google Analytics is free!


If you’re ready to get serious about SEO, we really recommend the SearchMetrics platform, which provides keyword recommendations; guidance in the way you structure your online content; and even competitor research. SearchMetrics effectively removes the guesswork from designing well-optimized online content.

KISS (Keep it Simple Sites)

For dealerships that simply want to develop attractive, intuitive, and conversions-centered website, we highly recommend this website building platform—developed by our own team at Get My Auto! With KISS, you don’t have to be an expert at Web development; a great dealership website is just a few clicks away.


Another wide-angle SEO tool, SEMRush provides dashboards that let you track and manage your social media, as well as other key SEO functions. Again, this one is a bit more advanced—but if you’re looking to manage a robust online marketing campaign, SEMRush is certainly something we can endorse.

Craigslist Wizard

A change of pace: In addition to SEO, used car dealerships also benefit from a robust focus on Craigslist ads—but how can you develop Craigslist ads that get results? Again, Get My Auto has an app for that—and it eliminates all of the guesswork from your Craigslist ads development. Try the Craigslist Wizard today!

Get the Tools You Need for Marketing Success

Again, there are many fine tools out there, and we’ve really just scratched the surface. As you consider ways to supplement and enhance your dealership marketing efforts, however, we hope you’ll start with these five—all highly recommended by our team.

Any further questions about dealership marketing? Get My Auto specializes in connecting dealerships with customers. We’d love to talk with you about these tools in greater detail. Reach out to Get My Auto today to learn more.