Craigslist Posting For Auto Dealers

Sell More Cars on Craigslist-the Easy Way

Globe GMA

Craigslist generates more used car traffic than and Autotrader combined

Graph GMA

12 percent of Craigslist leads convert to sales—potentially a 20 percent sales increase for your dealership

Calendar GMA

Craigslist buyers make their purchases, on average, 13 days sooner than other online shoppers

Upsell GMA

Smart Post Technology keeps your listing at the top of Craigslist—meaning huge visibility

Certified GMA

The Craigslist Wizard is an ideal source of subprime leads and buyers

Maximize your Craigslist Advertising Spend with CL Social

Make every Craigslist ad dollar count DOUBLE

Engage with Craigslist’s in-market buyers through our turnkey CL Social solution.

We UPGRADED our already powerful Craigslist Wizard. No other product can match the features of our posting tool.

With our CL Social you will now have the ability cross social platforms and increase your vehicle exposure onto the largest social media sites on the web.

Here is how it works:

  1. Car shopper preforms a search on Craigslist and calls or texts your dealership
  2. When the shopper visits Facebook or Instagram
  3. We then present the shopper with your inventory in their feeds
  4. The shopper engages with the ad and fills out a credit application

You will now have an even greater "unfair advantage" over your competition.

Craigslist Algorithm Has Recently Changed

Are You Using Craigslist to Improve Your Bottom Line?

Craigslist is the online marketplace for used cars—and your dealership can move a lot of inventory simply by being present there. The catch is, you have to have listings that are highly visible to Craigslist users—and the Craigslist algorithms make that challenging.

The top listings aren’t simply determined by the date of the posting, but by a far more complex series of ranking factors. With the Craigslist Wizard, you can ensure that your posts are always ranked highly—without any headache or hassle!

Real Results

Cars on Cragslist
Unique Phone Calls
Unique Texts
Cars Sold

The Bottom Line

Craigslist Wizard empowers dealerships to sell more cars and to help their customers. Plus, it makes the whole thing easy. Start reaping the incredible benefits of Craigslist today!

CRAIGSLIST WIZARD with Smart Post Technology ™ includes:


With every potential buyer sent directly to your email or CRM system, you’ll never lose another lead again!